Nordicflite Oy Ltd.
Nordicflite internet pages conserning personal data
While browsing Nordicflite Internet pages we may ask you to submit and we may process data that is personal to you, including but not limited to your name, user id and password, organisation, phone number, e-mail and mail addresses. We may also require you to submit your credit card number and expiry date. Processing of such Personal Data may be necessary for the purposes of, inter alia, correctly identifying you, properly supplying services or goods to you, and responding to your contacts or contacting you.
Except for the above purposes, and except as required by law, we will not disclose your Personal Data to any third party without your permission. For certain of our services, other or additional rules may apply as specified in their respective terms of use or privacy statements.
Nordicflite may compile data on the usage, traffic volumes, transactions and other related statistics of our web sites and may process and analyse such data. Nordicflite may also acquire such data on aggregate levels from reputable third parties or disclose such data to them. Aggregate level data cannot be de-compiled or reduced to Personal Data or other information regarding any particular person.
While you are browsing Nordicflite's Internet pages, we may send to your computer over the Internet one or more small files known as Cookies. Cookies contain information that allows us to identify the computer you are using and lets us know certain aspects of usage of our web sites by you. You will notice the presence of a Cookie for instance when certain data that you have previously submitted to us, such as your address, is automatically completed in a field by your browser.
Your browser is likely to automatically accept Cookies but you may be able to configure your browser differently and Cookies can be deleted from your computer if you so wish. Some of the services may not be available if your browser does not accept Cookies or if they have been deleted.
By using Cookies and Usage data, we hope to be able to develop our Internet services according to your and our other customers' preferences. We respect your privacy and are committed to protect your Personal Data. We have taken such measures as we have reasonably seen appropriate in each case to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and accuracy of your Personal Data. The processing of your Personal Data by us is subject to applicable laws and regulations.
Please read also the Terms of Use
Nordicflite Oy Ltd.
Nordicflite´s internet pages
Use of Nordicflite´s Internet pages is conditional upon you adhering to the terms and conditions hereof and those applicable to each of our services.
1) All information published on Nordicflite´s internet pages is provided "as is". No warranties, either expressed or implied, including without limitation, warranties of title or non-infringement or warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose, is made as to the availability, accuracy, reliability, content or any other property.
2) We shall not be liable for, and you agree to waive, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, your right to any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages, loss of profits or business opportunities or for business interruption arising out of the use of or unavailability of these pages or services, in any and all circumstances.
3) The contents of these pages, including without limitation, trademarks, service names and brands are the property of Nordicflite Oy Ltd, or respective third parties. Such properties are protected by copyright and other laws. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. You are not allowed to reproduce, transfer, distribute or store any part of the contents thereof without our prior written permission and are not granted any right to use any marks appearing on theses site without the prior written consent of us or the third parties, as the case may be.
4) You may use Nordicflite Internet pages and their contents for private, non-commercial use only. Press releases and other documents indicated as being public can be used also for other purposes, provided that you clearly state the source of the information.
5) You are required to covenant that you will not submit any unlawful or inappropriate materials to us. By submitting any material, you will grant us an unlimited right to use such material without compensation and without any accountability towards you. You shall use your reasonable efforts to ensure that such material is free of viruses and other harmful characteristics.
6) Use of sites through links on Nordicflite internet pages is subject to terms and conditions of such other sites. We have no control over the contents or other properties of such sites and assume no liability for any matters arising out of use by you of such sites. Unless specifically stated to the contrary, we endorse neither such site nor the owners, operators, contents or other properties thereof.
7) The properties of these pages, including without limitation, the appearance, contents, access and availability, the services and goods supplied, and the rules of use, are subject to change by us, at any time, for any reason and without prior notice.
8) No person under the age of 18 may order services or goods from Nordicflite internet pages, other than services or goods supplied free of charge by us, as the case may be, without the consent of a parent or legal guardian.
9) For certain of our services, other or additional rules may apply as specified in their respective terms of use.
10) The terms of use of our pages are governed by the laws of Finland.
© Nordicflite Oy Ltd. 2013